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Mind Over Mattress

As we begin to think about the New Year, we want to be intentional about the past, the present, and the future, and how we can work to get better. We may have had a treacherous year and your emotional bank account is at “zero”, or a fantastic year and your battery are already charged, but just like every new day, comes a New Year and our golden opportunity to make it our best year yet. It comes in at midnight, fresh like a crisp winter morning, very clean and perfect, and it hopes we have learned from last year.

Take time on New Year’s Day to assess the last year, reflect on our wins and losses, and dream. Dream big and set and write down some big goals. Set goals that make you uncomfortable, challenge your being and your “why”. Set goals to make it a record year! Big dreams must have big goals. And to achieve those big goals takes big work. We must be willing to have discipline, hard work, and consistency to achieve those milestones. There is a lot to do in this process and we can’t confuse movement with progress. Just because we are doing a lot doesn’t always mean we are truly accomplishing our mission and goals. There will be sharp pain, maybe even extreme discomfort, and hellacious challenges, but nothing worth your time accomplishing will occur without those aspects. We will fail on some roads of our journey, but can’t forget that many have failed before us to bring us great change and value. Thomas Edison failed 1000 experiments, but the light bulb was experiment 1001. Last year is history, today is a gift, and this year is an opportunity.

In this process, consider joining the 5 am club! Many of the most successful people on the planet have accomplished monumental success by a rise and shine of 5 am or sooner. It’s all about mind over mattress! And the people around you depend on your mind. If you want to make it a record year, it takes more focused time and effort on your part, and the early bird gets the worm. Every. Single. Day! Shut off the tv, put down your phone, close your laptop, and get to bed to join the 5 am club!

Every day it’s working. Every day its work. Every day it’s working! Consistency compounds. Growth is not automatic, it’s intentional. Set your goals high! As my kids know, I’ll be happier if they set their goals high and miss them, rather then setting their goals low and hitting them! Let’s make it a record year!!

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